Other Mobile List! (Soooo not The Flash)

Here it is the other one! Let’s fill this one up more! Send me some other request, not necessarily for  just these Fandoms, I’ll try anything!!


Long Islands – Request: I have a request (: Imagine Dean falling for you hard, but being conflicted because you’re young (in your 20s) and innocent, and he doesn’t want to drag you into the world of hunting.


Incite – Just a smattering of Sherlock fun…(Sherlock/Reader)


Scrooge – Request: Okay! So it’s basically Clint Barton being a bit of a Scrooge while everyone else is getting ready for a Christmas party, including reader. A lovely Christmas song Clint particularly dislikes starts playing, but then reader starts to sing along and he’s in awe because 1) he’s never heard her sing before and 2) he’s got a bit of a crush. Maybe end in something mistletoe related? Heheh

The Arrow

Supply Run – Request: Imagine being part of Team Arrow, and when they meet Constantine, he instantly forms an attraction to you

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