Race You to Midnight – 4

Sequel to Break


Part One  Part Two  Part Three

Oliver looked back at you as Felicity was driving. He
frowned watching your eyes twitch under your eyelids, hands balling up into
fist as you slept in the back seat. He reached back touching your knee causing
your to jerk awake hands flying up as if to defend yourself, “Hey…it’s okay. You’re
here, you’re safe.”

You exhaled slowly, “I’m sorry.”

“You’re fine.” He smiled a little though his concern was
still evident, “Still getting the dreams?”

You sighed looking at him, “I said I’m fine, Oliver.”

“But you’re not…we’ve talked about this…” He turned some
more to look at you better.

“Yes we have, and when it is a more appropriate time, for
instance when we’re not chasing an ancient immortal, we can discuss it further.”
You told him looking out the window.

“I need you at 100%.” He stared at you, “Are you? I know you
talked to Barry last night.”

“Enough.” Felicity looked at him, “Whatever they talked
about is for them…”

You glanced at Felicity staring at you in the rearview
mirror and smiled as Oliver turned back in his seat, “I assure you, Barry and I
have come to an understanding. One that will get us both through this.”

“Good…good.” Oliver nodded drumming his fingers on his arm

“Oh my god…do not start again.” Felicity grumbled.

“Well…we could have been there already if I was driving.” They
both started bickering. You understood why Thea wanted to be in the van with everyone
else now.

Once they pulled into the driveway everyone started to
unload. You looked at Oliver, “I’m going to establish a perimeter.”

He nodded and filed inside with everyone else, while you
started around the edge of the house. He knew it would put you at ease after
the episode in the car. Sure you were out in the country, but from the porch
you could easily see three bad spots. You started walking up the driveway
scanning the area. When you were about halfway down you felt a familiar swoosh past

Through a smile you choked back the tears, “Always late…”

Later you checked in with everyone. Oliver had ran out for
something and handed out tasks to everyone. You ended up helping Laurel look
into some leads about Savage when Cisco approached you, “Hey…”

You looked at him, “Hi…what’s up? You have ‘thinking’ face…”

He smiled a little breaking the tension, “I know you and
Barry are in a…rough stage, but I was hoping you could still help me.”

“Cisco…” You could feel a stinging sensation in your chest
at the mention of Barry, “Just because Barry and I are not together and things
are different does not mean we aren’t friends. What can I do?”

“This…Carter…that’s hanging around Kendra…” He made a face
of annoyance, “I don’t like him…I don’t trust him, so I was thinking maybe you
could just…I don’t know hang around them and make sure he’s not an asshole.”

You half laughed, “Sure, Laurel you’ve got this right?”

“Yeah, I’m going to grab Diggle to see if our ARGUS
connections can help us.” She told you as you walked out with Cisco.

You stopped on the porch and looked at him, “It would
probably be better if I went alone. Might seem a bit obvious if you’re with me.”

“Right, no, good idea.” He nodded slowly as he watched you
go, “Go gett’um…”

You walked out toward them with no intention of looking into
the two newbies. You had talked to Carter enough to know that he was being
sincere, even if he was a little rough in the delivery. You smiled passing
them, “Mind if I take a nap nearby? I’ve been told to ‘watch’ you.”

“By who?” Kendra seemed more upset about it then Carter.

“People who care about you.” You told her stopping for a moment,
“Be happy, he just wants you taken care of.”

Kendra sighed looking down before looking at Carter. He
smiled a little stepping toward you, “Do you need a pillow?”

You stopped watching him take off his jacket, “I’m okay,
your majesty.”

You saw him smirk as you went a few paces away near the barn
and climbed up onto a hay bale. You hadn’t really slept since Barry showed back
up and if was effecting you. Everyone said it was a natural response, but he
wasn’t what was keeping you up. You wish he was.

Instead you were having nightmares about your last
assignment. You couldn’t escape it no matter how many times you went over it
with Oliver, or how many sessions you went to for therapy. It haunted you and
kept you tethered to your past, something you desperately wanted to run from.

“Boss! Oh god…what
happened?” You looked down at the little girl in your arms and back up to your
approaching men. You weren’t fast enough, “Shit…we have to go…you have to leave

“Y/N!” Your eyes snapped open gun raised at Barry. He raised
his hands surprised by the reaction, “Whoa…whoa!”

“Barry…” You let out a labored sigh letting the gun fall to
your side as your free hand went to your face, “…sorry…I’m sorry…”

Barry stood a few paces away looking at you. He had just
watched the world get destroyed and relived the last few hours, “We couldn’t
find you…Carter said he last saw you here. You okay?”

You looked at him for a moment as you collected yourself, “I’m
getting there…what happened?”

“Nothing…we just were having a meeting. We just got done
meeting with Savage.” He shoved his hands in his pockets and shifted on the
balls of his feet. A habit he exhibited when he was unsure of things.

“Barry…” You stood up holstering your weapon, “I know you
said we’re done…but there is a part of me that will never let go of you. It’s
the same part that knows that you’re scared.”

He looked at you as you went on, “I told myself that when I
got back to the states, I was going to find you and explain myself…the mission
was only supposed to be a couple of weeks, but it went south. It became months
and I came home broken. You have the same look I did, before I walked off the
plane in Star City. Not sure if you’re doing the right thing.”

He sighed wiping a hand over his face, “Yeah…that’s exactly
what I’m thinking.”

“Barry…talk to me.” You touched his arm concern lacing your
features, “I know you said you couldn’t be my friend, but I didn’t say that. I
want you in my life…even if it’s only as a friend.”

He looked down into your eyes, “I only said that because…well…I’m
me and I react fast. I don’t always think things through…I traveled back in
time…I’ve done today before.”

You looked at him surprised as he relayed the events to you.
By the time he was done you were both sitting on the hay bale, “In those
moments as I was running away from Oliver…These things kept racing into my
mind. I never said goodbye to my dad…or Iris, or Joe, or Patty…you.”

“Me?” You sat up at little surprised.

“Yes.” He nodded looking away from you, “Y/N, as angry as I
am with you for leaving me that day. I always found some excuse for you and
turns out you have a big one. As I was running I realized that I didn’t want to
leave this world without fixing things with you. I didn’t want you to leave
this world thinking that I hated you.”

“I wouldn’t blame you…what I did wasn’t right…or fair.” You felt
your cheeks flush as he looked at you, “I should’ve found a way to contact you.”

He smiled a little, “Y/N, I’m trying to find a way to apologize
for being such a dick the other night and you’re kind of spoiling it because
you’re apologizing for something way above both of our paygrades…”

You laughed a little, “Yeah, well I always have had to up
you one. Remember that one time in Ms. Jenkins’ class…”

“The Volcano incident, I think the room still has scorch
marks.” He smirked a little. How easily you both fell back into each other, he
missed this, “Y/N, this…isn’t going to be something like before…”

“I know.” You nodded, “What I hear from Felicity is that you
have a pretty amazing girlfriend. I’m happy for you. That’s all I ever want, is
for you to be happy.”

He nodded slowly letting silence fall between the two of
you. He finally took a deep breath, “I gotta know though…are you just going to
leave again?”

You frowned looking at him, “Barry, I’m out of that game. I’m
done with it all…”

He tilted his head as if he didn’t believe you, “Really?”

You sighed looking at your hands, “I…anticipated this
conversation. I don’t expect you to believe me. After all, I did lie to you a
lot and then leaving without explanation…what I mean to say is…”

“Yes?” He waited patiently for you to finish.

You looked him in the eyes, “I told myself if I ever met you
again…if we ever came into each other’s lives I would never lie to you. I
promise you that, Barry. I never want to hurt you like I did again.”

He looked at you for a moment smiling, “That’s a bit…extreme.”

“I mean it.” You told him, “Go ahead, ask me something.”

He half laughed before he realized that you were serious, “Oh…alright.
Um, what’s your favorite color?”

“Come on…that’s easy…try again.” You smirked at him.

“Fine…” You can see him taking on the challenge, “In high
school, freshman year, we went on a trip to the museum of history. Someone put
gum in Iris’ hair…”

“Becky Cooper.” You smirked, “It was Becky Cooper. She secretly
hated Iris because she lived with you. Also easy and obvious when you think
about it.”

You both laughed for a moment before he looked at you. You
could tell he was going to ask you something serious, “That night…would you
have stayed?”

You shut your eyes taking a deep breath, “In a heartbeat.”

He smiled a little before clearing his throat, “Right…”

“We should probably…” You stood up, “They might be worried.”

“Yeah…crap, I forgot all about them.” He stood up looking at
you running a hand through his hair, “Strange how easily we forget the world
could be ending.”

“Yeah, when you’re in good company time stands still.” You
smiled at him reaching up adjusting his collar before you turned walking toward
the house.

He stood there a moment as the tips of his ears began to
burn. He swallowed licking his lips as he started after you when you looked
back waving for him to catch up. He still had so many questions for you, but he
would have to wait to ask them until Savage was dealt with.

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