House Guest (Sherlock Reader)

Imagine being released into Sherlock’s custody after being arrested for murder, but he says otherwise…

Drabble drabble, needed a break from the Flash for a second. Was kind of fun! If you have request for other series hit me up! I’m up for anything and always looking for something new to watch!


You jerked on the chains as you sat in the interrogation room waiting. For what you didn’t know. Lestrade had asked you several questions and then left ages ago.

You sighed flexing your hands as you shut your eyes. You were being accused of murder. You had been accused of many things, but never murder. Had you not assaulted a member of the police force you might not have been handcuffed.

Your eyes opened when you heard the door. A very tall man entered and looked at you piercing blue eyes. He wore a long wool trench coat with a thick scarf.

He stared at you with scrutiny as he placed his hands behind his back, “I have only one question for you.”

His voice was rough taking you off guard. You had expected something different, “And what is that Mr…?”

He dismissed your question, “When you go to put something away in your vehicle where is the most common place you go?”

“Uh…” You tilted your head, “I guess my trunk, why?”

“Thank you, you’re free to go.” He smiled at you turning as the door opened Lestrade standing there shaking his head, “She’s not your killer.”

“That does not prove anything!” He shouted at him.

“It proves everything. She is obviously an American, or rather she was raised in America for a majority of her life.” The man spouted off, “When the killer called he said ‘look in the boot of the car’ not the trunk.”

“So she slipped for the moment.” Lestrade was fuming.

“Other then having her at the crime scene on our arrival, you have nothing.” He glanced back at you, “I assure you, there is nothing to hold her with.”

“Fine, then you can babysit her until we’re sure.” Lestrade said walking past him pulling out his keys.

“What?” You both spoke in unison making eye contact with one another.

You rubbed your wrist, “I will not be going anywhere with a complete stranger.”

“Y/N L/N, Sherlock Holmes. There you’re not complete strangers.” Lestrade told you, “Stay with him, and you stay out of the way.”

You stood there in the room crossing your arms looking at this Sherlock Holmes. He had not removed his hands from behind his back or moved at all. Finally after a moment he snapped out of it, “May I use you phone?”

You gave him a confused look, “If I had it…I would let you, but your people took it. No doubt trying to find something that isn’t there.”

“They’re not my people…” He told you walking out the door.

“Right…wow…” You started out after him and found him at a desk dialing out, “So do I really have to stay with you, because I’m perfectly capable of staying at a hotel.”

He sighed glancing at you, “John, pick up your phone.”

“An answer would be nice.” You stared at him putting your hands on your hips, “I really don’t want to be arrested again.”

“Then stay with him.” Lestrade said as he walked by, “Then I’ll know where you’re at and you won’t be arrested.”

You rolled your eyes, “Alright Sherlock, where’s home?”

You watched him ball up his fist and then relaxed them, “Ms. L/N…”

“Please call me, Y/N.” You interrupted him smirking at the slight irritation that it gave him.

“Y/N…I’m not sure if my landlady…” He started in that wonderful deep tone.

“I already called her, she said she is thrilled you’re finally bringing a lady home.” Lestrade winked at you both. He was obviously enjoying this too much.

Sherlock was practically fuming now, “Keep up or fall behind.”

“What does that mean? Oh…oh we’re walking…running…” You said eyes getting wide as you followed him, “I still need to get my things!”

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