Yahoo reports big loss, writes down Tumblr value






AND IN CASE YOU DON’T, I will tell you a story.

I don’t know if Yahoo as a corporate entity hates fandom, or if it LOVES fandom in the way a flame longs to wrap its embrace around a forest. Or maybe it’s just that fandom is an enticingly big and active userbase; but just by the nature of our enterprise, we are extremely difficult to monetize.

It doesn’t matter.

Once upon a time – in the era before anyone had heard of google – if you wanted to post fandom (or really, ANY) content, you made your own webpage out of nested frames and midi files. And you hosted it on GeoCities.

GeoCities was free and… there. If the internet of today is facebook and tumblr and twitter, the internet of the late 90s WAS GeoCities.

And then Yahoo bought GeoCities for way too much money and immediately made some, let’s say, User Outreach Errors. And anyway, the internet was getting more varied all the time, fandom mostly moved on – it wasn’t painful. GeoCities was free hosting, not a community space – but the 90s/early 00s internet was still there, preserved as if in amber, at

Until 2009, when Yahoo killed it. 15 years of early-internet history – a monument to humanity’s masses first testing the potential of the internet, and realizing they could build anything they wanted… And what they wanted to build was shines to Angel from BtVS with 20 pages of pictures that were too big to wait for on a 56k modem, interspersed with MS Word clipart and paragraphs of REALLY BIG flashing fushia letters that scrolled L to R across the page. And also your cursor would become a different MS Word clipart, with sparkles.

(So basically nothing has changed, except you don’t have to personally hardcode every entry in your tumblr anymore. Progress!)

And it was all wiped out, just like that. Gone. (except on the wayback machine, an important project, but they didn’t get everything) The weight of that loss still hurts. The sheer magnitude…

Imagine a library stocked with hundreds of thousands of personal journals, letters, family photographs, eulogies, novels, etc. dated from a revolutionary period in history, and each one its only copy. And then one day, its librarians become tired of maintaining it, so they set the library and all its contents on fire.

And watch as the flames take everything.

Brush the ash from their hands.

Walk away.

Once upon a time – in the era after everyone had heard of google, but still mostly believed them about “Don’t be evil” – fandom had a pretty great collective memory. If someone posted a good fic, or meta, or art, or conversation relevant to your interests? Anywhere? (This was before the AO3, after all.) You could know p much as soon – or as many years late – as you wanted to.

Because there was a tagging site – – that fandom-as-a-whole used; it was simple, functional, free, and there. Yahoo bought it in 2005. Yahoo announced they were closing it in 2010.

They ended up selling it instead, but not all the data went with it – many users didn’t opt to the migration. And even then, the new version was busted. Basically unusable for fannish searching or tagging purposes. This is the lure and the danger of centralization, I guess.

It is like fandom suffered – collectively – a brain injury. Memories are irrevocably lost, or else they are not retrievable without struggle. New ones aren’t getting formed. There is no consensus replacement.

We have never yet recovered.

Once upon a time… Yahoo bought tumblr.

I don’t know how you celebrated the event, but I spent it backing up as much as I could, because Yahoo’s hobby is collecting the platforms that fandom relies on and destroying them.

I do not think Yahoo is “bad” – I am criticizing them on their own site, after all, and I don’t expect any retribution. I genuinely hope they sort out their difficulties.

But they are, historically, bad for US.

And right now is a good time to look at what you’ve accumulated during your career on this platform, and start deciding what you want to pack and what can be left behind to become ruins. And ash.

…On a cheerier note, wherever we settle next will probably be much better! This was never a good place to build a city.

My response to this will be to back up all of my Tumblr entries (all 10k of them) onto Dreamwidth, which IS fandom-run and fandom-friendly, just so I don’t lose anything when the inevitable happens.

I know DW  has never quite been accepted as a community–which I don’t understand at all, it has the flex and love that Livejournal abandoned over ten years ago–but hey, better than nothing.

Yahoo also bought and then slowly destroyed Flickr. I WILL say it: Yahoo is bad, they make bad, greedy decisions like the users of people which they are, and the only reason they haven’t fallen is that they made one good choice and bought a shitload of Alibaba stock before it hit big. Yahoo doesn’t make significant money off its platforms; it makes more money as a single-stock hedge fund than it does as a dot com. That’s how bad they are at making anything work in an even remotely functional way.

@pillowfort-io look out we’re about to show up on your doorstep carrying our canons and our smaller fellow fans on our backs. 😀

At least this time we have AO3 for most of the fanworks. If your shit isn’t on AO3 or backed up somewhere off Tumblr, guys, now’s the time.

Wow…if this is true…well then…*Frantically starts copying all my working into word*

Yahoo reports big loss, writes down Tumblr value

can you do a what kind of gf each sign is


Aries: the adventurer, she will be your human alarm clock and morning coffee all into one, she will tease you a lot and say ‘just kidding!’ at the end of it, she is very touchy-feely, warm and has a heart of gold. her love is priceless and strong. you’ll wake up with her in a tent in a foreign country as she sleeps nosily next to you and you’ll pull her in closer with a smile on your face.

Taurus: the poet, the one that relates every song she hears, movie she watches, and poem she reads, to you. she cares for you like no other with every empathetic bone in her body. she will love you through the very roughest of times. you can never win an argument against her though. when she is sad, when she is happy, when she is angry: everything she says will sound like a poem and you’ll wonder how you got so lucky.

Gemini: the kitten, 
she will make every day different, her kisses will slow time, her laugh will echo through your bones and sometimes you will get annoyed that she is so loud but when she is gone, the silence will feel like torture. she is playful and erratic, she studies you every day and leans you slowly. she guards her heart like a game but gives you whispers of walkthroughs in her smile.

Cancer: the daydream, the one that isn’t afraid to tell you how much she loves you every single day. will avoid confrontation like the plague. she will want to do every romantic thing in the book with you like slow dance in the kitchen at 2am while you make dinner together. she could write you a novel about the little things she loves about you that no one else even notices. she feels like home.

Leo: the pleaser, she will want to share her life with you, will be very open, loving and generous. her friends become your friends. will not stop taking selfies of you two together though. she will indulge in your happiness. she will make time for you through her busy day as if you two are the only sole survivors of an apocalypse. she will protect you from the things she had to endure.

Virgo: the submissive, likes to pretend she is tough and in control but she is willing to do anything you ask of her tbh. she likes to make you happy and see you smile. she wants to be your best friend and the love of your life at the same time. she can get snappy when she’s having a bad day but most of the time is very chill and humorous. she’s the type to drop all her work and show up for you when you most need it.

Libra: the mediator, the intellectual, the flirt. she will wake you up with rose petals but make you chase her all day. she loves to just talk to you 24/7 and keep the peace. she’s the type to plan a busy day for the both of you tomorrow but she won’t wake you up because she thinks you look too perfect and you’ll both spend the whole day cuddling instead.

Scorpio: the warrior– will never want to leave you no matter how badly you treat her but can make your life a passive aggressive hell instead. she will respect you, always listen to you and court you- she’ll want to tell you her deepest pains at 3 in the morning while you sleep as if you are her own personal diary. she’s the type to show up in the rain at 2am after a fight and angrily kiss you without saying a word, it’ll feel like heaven and hell collided.

Sagittarius: the traveller, she’ll travel your mind in ways you never thought someone could- she’ll ask just the right questions to known you better than you know yourself. she always knows what’s wrong and she always knows what to say. she’s the girl to tell you how it is, she doesn’t live in a fairytale but she makes reality seem like a dream. when you lay in bed with her at night you’ll be pinching yourself to make sure.

Capricorn: the teacher, she’ll teach you how it’s like to live as her, she’ll teach you how to be a better person. she’ll teach you so many things about yourself that you feel lost without her. she puts her walls high, but she expects you to make the effort if you care about her. she is deeply romantic and compassionate: her love with soothe any pain you face throughout your days and she’ll teach you that you’re never alone in anything you do if you have her.

Aquarius: the stranger, she’s so wonderfully unique and insane you’ll never find a love like hers again. she’s like flirting with a stranger on the train. she’s the most interesting conversation you’ve ever had. she’s like a once-in-a-lifetime photo captured, right in front of you. she will detach much like a stranger, then go all in like you’ve known her your whole life. she’ll make you question everything about love and it’s purpose, you will decide it is painful and strange, and yet you will still fall madly for her.

Pisces: the princess, once you slay the dragon and make her yours, she will sacrifice a lot for you and work to keep you happy. she will introduce you to her perfect dreamland and provide a place at the throne. to her, you are royalty and she treats you like you are irreplaceable. she is a princess: graceful, friendly, strong. she loves to be loved, by you, and everyone. she dreams of a prince who can make her feel as loved as the heroines she constantly reads about.

aww I need this…


Last night after Ghostbusters, I stopped to talk to one of the young men about my age. (We had previously established that we both had an interest in film, and he was a relatively well-mannered individual who gave me some recommendations for research websites.) We were both enthusiastic about the film and its quality, but suddenly he stopped and frowned.

“I’m just not sure about Kevin,” he said in confusion. “He’s kind of pointless, isn’t he? Why did they need a character like that? I’ve never seen anything like it before…”

I gaped at him briefly. “Haven’t you ever heard about the Dumb Blonde Trope?”

He wrinkled his nose. “Yeah, but isn’t that typically for…” His eyes got wide, and he looked at me in absolute terror. “Oh.”

“Oh” is right, buddy.

Turn Down the Heat – 34 (Leonard Snart/Reader)

Part One Part Two  Part Three  Part Four  Part Five  Part Six  Part Seven Part Eight  Part Nine Part TenPart Eleven Part Twelve  Part Thirteen Part Fourteen  Part Fifteen  Part Sixteen  Part Seventeen Part Eighteen  Part Nineteen  Part Twenty  Part Twenty-One  Part Twenty-Two  Part Twenty-Three  Part Twenty – Four  Part Twenty-Five  Part Twenty-Six Part Twenty-Seven  Part Twenty – Eight  Part Twenty – Nine  Part Thirty Part Thirty-One Part Thirty-Two  Part Thirty-Three

You wasted no time once you were on the ship. You just
wanted one thing…

“Elain…” You raced over to Rip who was holding her
protectively, “Oh my baby girl…”

“She has been a perfect angel the entire time you were
away.” Rip told you with a smile, “Everyone has done their part to help.”

You took her from him kissing her face before holding her
close, “Thank you…all of you.”

“Of course.” Kendra smiled at you as she stood next to Ray,
“You’ve always been so helpful…it’s not only the least we could’ve done, but
what we should do for family.”

You smiled at little looking at everyone before landing on
Len and Mick staring at one another. You could feel the uncomfortable tension
from here, “Could I bother you to watch her a little longer? There’s a matter I
need to attend to…”

Sara caught your drift immediately while everyone else stood
their catching up, “Of course, come her precious…yes…it is time for nap time
isn’t it.”

You smiled as Sara walked toward Rip’s office listing of all
the lullabies she could sing for her. Taking a deep breath, you turned walking
over to the pair, “Where is she?”

“No.” Mick shook his head after a moment.

“I’m not asking for permission.” You told him with a glare,
“Where is she?”

“Y/N…” Len took a deep breath in.

“I’m not doing this…I want to see my daughter.” You looked
at them both anger rising to your face.

“You did.” Mick told you, “You held her a moment ago…”

“Stop.” You pointed at him, “No matter how she has come to
me…the connection has always been there…she could be a baby…or an old lady…it
wouldn’t matter. She’s my daughter…and I want to see her. Now.”

“I can’t…”

“Mick…do not…do not make me ask again.” You told him feeling
the weight of the firearm you had under your coat.

“I am so close…” He told you pointing in your face. You
smacked his hand away as he continued, “So close to getting what we need…just
give me a little more time. Then I’ll give up and she’ll be all yours.”

Len watched you seethe before he spoke, “We’ll give you til
morning…after that we take over.”

“Fine.” Mick nodded satisfied before turning away.

“Come on…” Len stepped into your view and smiled a little,
“Let’s get you a hot shower and some clean clothes.”

You stared up at him your features slowly softening, “That
sounds good.”

“Good.” He smiled putting his arm around your back guiding
you to the room they shared. He was sure that this was a dream. That at any
moment you were going to just disappear on him.

You glanced at him and smiled, “I’m not going anywhere…”

“How can you be so sure?” He frowned a little.

“I think I figured it all out.” You told him slowly slipping
your jacket off as you entered your room, “I’ve had a lot of time to think
actually…about a lot of things…”

“I bet.” He watched you still. You seemed to fit the clothes
you were in very well, almost as if you were supposed to be from the wild west.
The snug pants, the vest that sat over a white woman’s shirt that accented your
waist and other features nicely. It wasn’t until you were waving a hand at him
that he realized he missed something, “What?”

“Where did you go?” You smiled at little at him.

He cleared his throat looking away, “I…was just admiring

“Oh?” You looked at him surprised, “I…thank you?”

He looked back up to you as you let your hair out of the
braid as your cheeks flushed. You never could take a compliment well, “You were
saying something…”

“Yes…” You nodded looking at him again, “I was just
saying…that I was sorry…I shouldn’t have been so angry with you over something
you couldn’t control. You didn’t leave me in the 50s because you wanted to.
Being alone again made me realize…that…I…”

He watched as you unbuttoned your vest slowly taking steps
toward him, “What?”

“That I don’t want to waste anytime anymore time worrying
about things I can’t control.” As you vest popped open the opening at the top
of your shirt fell open enough that he had to swallow down his needs to let you
finish, “That I love you Leonard Snart, the thief who stole my heart.”

He felt the corner of his mouth tug up as you leaned up for
a kiss, “Finally admit that I can do that, huh?”

You shook your head before taking his face in your hands
bringing him down to your mouth. You dreamed of him every night. It would be
different every time. Sometimes you were on the ship chasing after a child in
pigtails. Another was far away, walking on his of green holding another baby in
your arms watching him teach Elain how to fight.

There were so many and you could recall most of them.

However, there was one that reoccurred from time to time. So
vivid you’d wake up in a sweat reaching for him only to find your bed empty.

He wasted little time when your lips met his. He began by
shedding his jacket to the floor as you fumbled with his belt. When he heard
the familiar jingle of it coming undone he grabbed you be the hips roughly
pulling you to him.

You let out a small gasp as you looked at him with heavy
eyes. He smiled a little seeing how much you were simply enjoying his touch. He
bent his knees gently as he picked you up walking you toward the bed tossing
you on it.

As he leaned over you his hand pushed your shirt up. Your
very skin was intoxicating, he thought to himself as he kissed you again down
your neck. He stopped nudging his nose against your chest right between your
breast sending waves of heat from his mouth over your skin, “Y/N…”

“Hm?” You watched him look up to your face with a darker
look in his eyes.

“I’m not sure I’m going to be able to stop once we start
going…” His voice was deep and husky making you shiver all the more.

“I’m no asking you to stop…” You told him as you tugged as
his shirt, “and I’m not going to.”

That was all he needed to hear before you found yourself
amongst one of your many dreams for the rest of the night. This time, you didn’t
wake up alone.