Yahoo reports big loss, writes down Tumblr value






AND IN CASE YOU DON’T, I will tell you a story.

I don’t know if Yahoo as a corporate entity hates fandom, or if it LOVES fandom in the way a flame longs to wrap its embrace around a forest. Or maybe it’s just that fandom is an enticingly big and active userbase; but just by the nature of our enterprise, we are extremely difficult to monetize.

It doesn’t matter.

Once upon a time – in the era before anyone had heard of google – if you wanted to post fandom (or really, ANY) content, you made your own webpage out of nested frames and midi files. And you hosted it on GeoCities.

GeoCities was free and… there. If the internet of today is facebook and tumblr and twitter, the internet of the late 90s WAS GeoCities.

And then Yahoo bought GeoCities for way too much money and immediately made some, let’s say, User Outreach Errors. And anyway, the internet was getting more varied all the time, fandom mostly moved on – it wasn’t painful. GeoCities was free hosting, not a community space – but the 90s/early 00s internet was still there, preserved as if in amber, at

Until 2009, when Yahoo killed it. 15 years of early-internet history – a monument to humanity’s masses first testing the potential of the internet, and realizing they could build anything they wanted… And what they wanted to build was shines to Angel from BtVS with 20 pages of pictures that were too big to wait for on a 56k modem, interspersed with MS Word clipart and paragraphs of REALLY BIG flashing fushia letters that scrolled L to R across the page. And also your cursor would become a different MS Word clipart, with sparkles.

(So basically nothing has changed, except you don’t have to personally hardcode every entry in your tumblr anymore. Progress!)

And it was all wiped out, just like that. Gone. (except on the wayback machine, an important project, but they didn’t get everything) The weight of that loss still hurts. The sheer magnitude…

Imagine a library stocked with hundreds of thousands of personal journals, letters, family photographs, eulogies, novels, etc. dated from a revolutionary period in history, and each one its only copy. And then one day, its librarians become tired of maintaining it, so they set the library and all its contents on fire.

And watch as the flames take everything.

Brush the ash from their hands.

Walk away.

Once upon a time – in the era after everyone had heard of google, but still mostly believed them about “Don’t be evil” – fandom had a pretty great collective memory. If someone posted a good fic, or meta, or art, or conversation relevant to your interests? Anywhere? (This was before the AO3, after all.) You could know p much as soon – or as many years late – as you wanted to.

Because there was a tagging site – – that fandom-as-a-whole used; it was simple, functional, free, and there. Yahoo bought it in 2005. Yahoo announced they were closing it in 2010.

They ended up selling it instead, but not all the data went with it – many users didn’t opt to the migration. And even then, the new version was busted. Basically unusable for fannish searching or tagging purposes. This is the lure and the danger of centralization, I guess.

It is like fandom suffered – collectively – a brain injury. Memories are irrevocably lost, or else they are not retrievable without struggle. New ones aren’t getting formed. There is no consensus replacement.

We have never yet recovered.

Once upon a time… Yahoo bought tumblr.

I don’t know how you celebrated the event, but I spent it backing up as much as I could, because Yahoo’s hobby is collecting the platforms that fandom relies on and destroying them.

I do not think Yahoo is “bad” – I am criticizing them on their own site, after all, and I don’t expect any retribution. I genuinely hope they sort out their difficulties.

But they are, historically, bad for US.

And right now is a good time to look at what you’ve accumulated during your career on this platform, and start deciding what you want to pack and what can be left behind to become ruins. And ash.

…On a cheerier note, wherever we settle next will probably be much better! This was never a good place to build a city.

My response to this will be to back up all of my Tumblr entries (all 10k of them) onto Dreamwidth, which IS fandom-run and fandom-friendly, just so I don’t lose anything when the inevitable happens.

I know DW  has never quite been accepted as a community–which I don’t understand at all, it has the flex and love that Livejournal abandoned over ten years ago–but hey, better than nothing.

Yahoo also bought and then slowly destroyed Flickr. I WILL say it: Yahoo is bad, they make bad, greedy decisions like the users of people which they are, and the only reason they haven’t fallen is that they made one good choice and bought a shitload of Alibaba stock before it hit big. Yahoo doesn’t make significant money off its platforms; it makes more money as a single-stock hedge fund than it does as a dot com. That’s how bad they are at making anything work in an even remotely functional way.

@pillowfort-io look out we’re about to show up on your doorstep carrying our canons and our smaller fellow fans on our backs. 😀

At least this time we have AO3 for most of the fanworks. If your shit isn’t on AO3 or backed up somewhere off Tumblr, guys, now’s the time.

Wow…if this is true…well then…*Frantically starts copying all my working into word*

Yahoo reports big loss, writes down Tumblr value

Here Are All The Ways You Can Help Fort McMurray




A monstrous wildfire has forced 80,000 residents to flee Fort McMurray, Alta. Several have lost their homes and belongings to the fire, while others even left behind their pets as they escaped under a mandatory evacuation order.

Here are some of the ways to help those affected:

Donate money online:

  • The Red Cross has started an emergency appeal for help. To donate $5 by phone, text REDCROSS to 30333. The Alberta government said Wednesday it will match donations to the Red Cross.
  • The Wood Buffalo Food Bank is accepting donations through PayPal on its website.
  • The Salvation Army is also collecting financial donations online.

Emergency shelter:

  • Airbnb has activated its Disaster Response Tool to help provide free shelter until May 21. Residents in nearby areas can list their properties on the website.
  • Those able to provide accommodations can also sign up on website

Displaced pets:

Social media efforts:

  • Facebook group Fort Mac Fire Donations is crowdsourcing donations for items such as toiletries, socks and pillows, as needed.
  • On Twitter, people are offering help through hashtags such as #ymmfire and #ymmhelp

Hey could you guys signal boost this, please? 🙂 There’s a huge wildfire in a city in my province and it’s evacuated 88,000 people, there have already been 1,600 buildings destroyed and apparently tonight it’s supposed to get even worse. The province of Alberta is now officially in a state of emergency. Please signal boost, it would mean a lot to me! ❤

Here is a video someone took while evacuating
Here are some photos of the fire:




Hey, so, this fire grew in size by about 850% in the last 24 hours. It’s now 85,000 hectares. An official sports field is generally about 1 hectare in size, to give you a better idea how big 85,000 hectares is. 

Another example: 
My city, Edmonton, is 68,440 hectares in size. That fire is bigger than my entire city. 

Please signal boost this. Fort McMurray is going to need all the help they can get to recover from this devastation. 

Help anyway you can guys! These are our neighbors!

Here Are All The Ways You Can Help Fort McMurray

2016 NBA All star Celebrity Game.mkv


Here it is ladies and gentlemen.  It’s the completely uncut version. I haven’t edited it at all.  I thought about removing the commercials, but I figured you guys wanted it up sooner rather than later. 

I’ve got the player intros and the warmup too, only problem is the recording time was maxed at two hours (something I didn’t know), but I started it a minute early, and because of that I missed the last minute to two minutes of the game….sorry.  I guess 99% of the game will have to suffice for now

And on Canadian television, they didn’t have any of the after game stuff that I suspect ran on ESPN.

Enjoy.  If I find a higher quality version hanging about out there, I’ll let you guys know.

Need to watch this later!

2016 NBA All star Celebrity Game.mkv

I Remember My Grandmother, But Because of Alzheimer’s, She Doesn’t Remember Me



This one’s close to the heart, guys.

@patorikkuuu @skellydun @moonofficial @amarabliss @multi–fandom-imagines @classicalbombshell

Truly a good look from a grandchild’s perspective. I remember at the end my Grandfather thought I was his daughter. I sang him Frank Sinatra and held his hand, while he called me Cathy and told me how much he liked the song. Alzheimer’s is a sad frustrating disease that take people away from far sooner then they should go.

If any of you are struggling with a family member who’s going through this, please feel free to contact me. I won’t have all the answers but I’m certainly willing to listen and let you get your frustrations out on me and not your loved ones. 

You guys are amazing, peace and good vibes.

I Remember My Grandmother, But Because of Alzheimer’s, She Doesn’t Remember Me

Click here to support Wedding day/family honeymoon by Heidi Dawn Cato

Hey guys! So I don’t do this…ever…but apparently weddings and life are super expensive! Yes that’s my full name and no I don’t own the rights to that photo (i forgot where I found it online…sorry it’s amazing!)

While my big day is over a year and a half away, you might see this from time to time. Any help you guys can give would be great! But I totally get it if you can’t! I love you guys, you’re all so amazing!

Click here to support Wedding day/family honeymoon by Heidi Dawn Cato